23 January 2023

Four motorcyclists caught at least 20 km/h over speed limit in less than an hour

| Claire Fenwicke
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Speed camera readout and ACT licence

One motorcyclist was caught going 121 km/h in the 80 km/h zone on Yarra Glen. Photo: ACT Policing.

Police checking speeds along Yarra Glen have caught four motorcyclists travelling between 105 km/h and 121 km/h within 45 minutes.

Officers were set up in the posted 80 km/h zone on Saturday (21 January) and stopped the riders between 7:50 am and 8:30 am.

A 44-year-old man was detected speeding at 121 km/h and issued a Traffic Infringement Notice (TIN) for $700 and four demerit points.

A 22-year-old woman was caught riding at 108 km/h and was fined $484 and three demerit points.

Two men, aged 39 and 24, were clocked at 107 km/h and 105 km/h, respectively.

Both were also issued TINs for $484 and three demerit points.

ACT Policing again reminded the community that speeding remained a “major contributor” to injury and death on Canberra’s roads as it reduces reaction times, increases stopped distances and increases the impact of a collision, “especially for vulnerable road users, including motorcyclists”.

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Meanwhile, police are investigating a motorbike crash in Belconnen, which saw a 17-year-old boy taken to hospital with injuries.

Two people were riding tandem on one motorcycle which crashed into a culvert on Coulter Drive, Belconnen, at about 4:40 pm on Friday (20 January).

ACT Policing is seeking dashcam footage around the time of the incident and would like to speak with anyone who witnessed the crash.

Anyone with information that could assist police has been urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, quoting reference 7330076.

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Those speeding on motorbikes are temporary citizens, less likely to be here in the longer term. Survival of the fittest really does play out at times. The sad thing, is that all too often others are hurt due to their recklessness.

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