The ACT Parks and Conservation Service has announced that four prescribed burns will take place today (Wednesday 2 May), subject to suitable weather and fuel moisture conditions.
The prescribed burns will take place in Tidbinbilla, Black Mountain Nature Reserve, near Telstra Tower, and public land near Walling Street in Franklin.
ACT Parks and Conservation Service say that the burns that are being conducted are aimed to reduce fire hazard and provide protection to nearby housing and buildings.
A buffer zone of up to 20 metres is also created around the complete perimeter of every prescribed burn and temporary smoke cover is possible and will likely be visable across parts of Canberra.
Experienced Parks fire managers will conduct and oversee the burning operations and staff will continue to monitor the burn sites until smoke has not been visible for 24 hours.
ACT Parks and Conservation Service warn that people with chronic respiratory and chronic cardiac diseases should not perform vigorous exercise and should stay inside if affected by the smoke.
People with asthma in particular should continue their medication and consult their general practitioner if they have any difficulties.
A map showing the location of the burn sites is available at the Upcoming Prescribed Burns Page.
You can also find information about upcoming burns by following @ACT_Parks on Twitter, @ACTParks on Facebook or by completing a simple smartform to get all of ACT Parks and Conservation Service prescribed burn updates by email.
Prescribed burns across the ACT on Wednesday (2 May) include:
- Continuing the 310 hectare that commenced last month at Tidbinbilla nature reserve near Devil’s Gap
- Continuing the 33.5 hectare that commenced last week at Black Mountain Nature Reserve
- Commencing a 3.94 hectare burn near Telstra tower on Black Mountain Nature Reserve (immediately adjacent to the main parking lot and Telstra tower)
- Commencing a 6 hectare burn on public land near Walling Street in Franklin.