For those who missed it a “Chris Leon” has illuminated the comments with his own thoughts in the infamous Gareth Higgins
you people are wankers, propping yourselves up to feel better about yourselves on the back of this family’s now-passed personal troubles. Get a fucking life. You don’t know Gareth, you’ve only heard/read things about him. Everybody has: he’s the CJ’s son who the cops use to embarrass Terry, you imagine he’s a brat who throws violent tantrums at his dad, its nothing like that. News coverage of these incidents were trashy cheap local sensationalism at its finest. Gareth is one of the best people you could meet when drug free, as he is now. I SAW the way he was treated, including a dwyke officer spraying him excessively with capsicum spray AFTER he gave himself up laying completely still on a footpath while cuffed. And the same again with the police dog inside. You can judge his actions to an extent, but don’t then fuckin claim to know the guy’s character. The irony is the fact that you even typed something about this guy and couldnt mind your business shows your own petty character.
I had an assault once too, but it didnt make the news. Do you think it’s fair that thumping someone should land this guy on the news in Mexico, because of who his dad is?
I assume most of you losers are/were in Canberra, rather than hate from behind your gay little pseudonyms Id be willing to set you straight in person if you had the cojones to put your real name up and still want to run your mouths, ie Mr Evil (nice handle you fucking fagg) and Thumper.
Comment by Chris Leon — October 18, 2006 @ 4:42 pm | Edit This
So there you go, not only have you been told but we might have a date for CrazyChester.