Only 17% of RiotACT pollees earlier this month support the “Give Brod whatever he wants” solution to the great Brodburger dispute.
But with the story hitting the Sydney Morning Herald over the weekend the Liberals’ Senator Gary Humphries has leapt to action with a strongly worded media release:
Local Senator Gary Humphries has today called on the Home Affairs Minister to end the uncertainty facing the Brodburger van at Kingston by granting it the same exemption from having a land use permit that the Aboriginal Tent Embassy enjoys.
The National Capital and External Territories Committee have been told that structures such as the Brodburger van require a land use permit, unless the minister waives these requirements.
“Well, I want such a waiver for this new lakeside institution which has captured the imagination – and palates – of so many Canberrans,” Senator Humphries said today.
There hasn’t been a lot of strategic thought by any of the parties involved. But surely someone can see that linking the fates of a burger van and the Aboriginal Tent Embassy is fraught with peril? Does this mean Senator Humphries now supports the Tent Embassy?