Canberra Rotaract would like to invite all fellow Canberrans to a seminar titled ‘Gen Y, Gen X and the Baby Boomers: Working past the stereotypes’. This seminar will explore the motivations and traits characteristic of the generations of working age, and how they can better engage to work towards common goals. This is especially useful for building stronger relationships in the workplace, and to engage people of different ages in your work, social and family relationships.
Avril Henry, intentionally respected for her generational exploration expertise, will present this seminar. You may have also heard of her as an advisor to the Chief of Army on diversity projects, or may have come across her speaking at a conference on managment/leadership.
This event will be held at the Hellenic Club in the City, 13 Moore St, Civic, from 6pm-7pm on Tuesday 4 March. Entry is by donation, with proceeds going towards the local and international projects supported by Canberra Rotaract (Pegasus Riding School and Rotarians Against Malaria). Please RSVP by 3 March by emailing
*What is Rotaract? It is a community service and professional development organisation for 18-30 year olds. It exists internationally and is in the Rotary family. Further information on our club is at: