[First filed: Sep 3, 2010 @ 9:05]
I am a mother of a 4yo and a 10 month old baby, and also have two step-daughters (8 and 11).
I picked the my son up from pre-school the other day with the usual “how was your day?” etc. As we were driving off he told me he would show me what he did at school today… with a quick glance in my review mirror I saw him wave what looked to be a hypo-dermic needle infront of my baby daughters face – without thinking I screamed and nearly swerved off the road into a tree – in shock my 8yo step-daughter grabbed it out of his hand, believeing she was doing what I would have thought the right thing to do, at which time I had pulled over and yanked it out of her grip and realised there was no “needle tip” on the end. My 4 year old son at this point was in tears (because I had yelled at him and taken his “toy” off him)
So apparently once I asked him where he got this he told me that the nurse came to pre-school and gave it to him. I rang the pre-school to which the teacher confirmed this, saying that a nurse had come in to talk about hospitals to the children and then continued to hand out syringes – not the old medicine plungers but SYRINGES like the ones HEROIN users, use, to FOUR YEAR OLDS!!!
Now I have been on a rampage with the pre-school/primary school for nearly two weeks with nearly everyone I have spoken to dismissing my concerns, yet every person I have shown/spoken to outside the teaching community in this school is absolutely disgusted and outraged…
What can I do?
What are your opinions???
I was told by the principle that the only opinions that would count were those of health care proffessionals. I was then told today by the pre-school teacher (2 weeks later) that she would have a talk to the students about the “dangers of sharps”… im not satisfied!!