9 February 2024

Government rejects ACT Greens' calls to remove all Australia Day funding, says providing public events 'appropriate'

| Claire Fenwicke
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smoking ceremony at Reconciliation Day

The ACT Greens have called for local funding to be diverted from Australia Day to Reconciliation Day (pictured) events. Photo: Photox – Canberra Photography Services for Events ACT.

The ACT Greens have promised to remove all government funding from Australia Day if it were to win this year’s election.

Instead, it would see the money diverted to Reconciliation Day, which already receives about $170,000.

Party leader Shane Rattenbury said his party felt 26 January was not a day of celebration so public money would be better spent elsewhere.

“Along with many Canberrans, the Greens acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded,” he said.

“January 26 is not an easy date to celebrate when you accept the truth of the deep and ongoing harms colonisation has inflicted on First Nations people.

He pointed out that ACT Government spending on Australia Day events was already declining and there have been no fireworks since 2020.

Marketing and event management services for the day in 2022 were more than $100,000, which shrank to $25,000 for both 2023 and 2024 events.

For 2024, the ACT Government is hosting a barbeque with entertainment at Regatta Point, and the National Capital Authority (a Federal body) is hosting a drone show over Lake Burley Griffin.

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The ACT Greens have encouraged Canberrans to instead support the Aboriginal Tent Embassy at their Sovereignty Day march from 9:30 am at Garema Place.

Mr Rattenbury argued that moving that event to Reconciliation Day would also be more suitable.

“It gets dark much earlier in May, so in addition to being more respectful, moving the drone show to Reconciliation Day would enable more families to attend and enjoy the show on a day that unites us as a community,” he said.

“While we acknowledge that there is still a long journey ahead towards true reconciliation, we believe the ACT’s Reconciliation Day would be a much more appropriate date for local celebrations.”

The ACT Greens also support changing the date, but given that it’s a national decision, they have put this forward as an alternative in the meantime.

“Any new national day of celebration should be decided with First Nations peoples – and could mark an important milestone in reconciliation and healing, such as the day that a Treaty is forged,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“We’re not proposing we dispose of the public holiday, but should we have that public holiday on a different day so we can mark our nation in a different way?”

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Chief Minister Andrew Barr has responded to the Greens’ call, stating that while he respected the Australia Day public holiday “sparks the full range of community views”, 26 January was still a national public holiday.

“A public event for Canberrans wishing to come together on the day is appropriate,” he said.

“This debate will likely continue every year until a consensus can be reached on an alternate date for a national public holiday. Possible options to consider include 1 January (the date the Australian Federation was established) or the date Australia becomes a republic (if that happens at some point in the future).

“We have a national day and the ACT Government will partner with the National Capital Authority and the Australia Day Council to run an event on that day.”

The Commonwealth Government and Australia Day Council are the primary sources of funds for 26 January events, with the ACT Government only focusing on daytime events.

“Our bigger focus is our own day, Canberra Day, and of course we also have Reconciliation Day,” Mr Barr said.

“So I think it’s possible to have community events on all three [public holidays], and that’s what we do.”

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Andrew Clarke3:34 pm 24 Jan 24

Public holidays cost us to much. Scrap them both and make everyone work instead. No replacement days

another reason not to vote for the Greens!

Capital Retro11:35 am 24 Jan 24

Let’s make the 26th Invasion Day and apply it retrospectively.

I get that certain dates and events will trigger different reactions for people in this country for good and bad reasons. However, these days it seems that no matter what a person has as their beliefs and understanding, someone else will be critical and demand a change rather than accepting differences.

Where does it end?

HiddenDragon8:08 pm 23 Jan 24

“Along with many Canberrans, the Greens acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded,” he said.

“January 26 is not an easy date to celebrate when you accept the truth of the deep and ongoing harms colonisation has inflicted on First Nations people.”

Turn the ACT into a national leader in Closing the Gap (shouldn’t be too hard given the advantages we have over other jurisdictions) and then we’ll know you really mean it – until that happens, people could be forgiven for thinking that the ACT Greens are just engaging in performative pandering to middle class white guilt.

Ongoing harms !!!!! Oh please

Without the event that the January 26 commemorates, there would not be an Australia. There is no way that the myriad of tribes inhabiting this continent would have united into one nation.

It is very unlikely that those people who have emigrated to Australia since the British colonised this land would have come here if the British (or some other European Power) had not done so. People emigrated here because of the society resulting from colonisation, not because they were enamoured by Aboriginal culture.

Are the people who against Australia Day intending on telling their employer to not let them accrue Long Service Leave? After all, that was introduced to allow people to travel back to the “Mother Land”. Surely those opposed to January 26 and all it represents would be hypocrites to then want Long Service Leave?

As a real gesture of how much the issue means to you, I challenge you to give away your Long Service Leave. If that’s not current legal, surely the Greens and other politicians who are against Australia day will help make it legal.

I don’t understand what Long Service Leave has to do with anything? In relation to celebrating a national day and all that is good in this country, there are several other days that could be chosen instead. Why does it have to be on 26 January?

Long Service Leave is a benefit we get because the British colonised this continent. Without the British coming here we would not have Long Service Leave. For those proclaiming that we shouldn’t be recognising and celebrating that event, and that it doesn’t have any real meaning to them or positive impact on their life, then taking advantage of Long Service Leave is hypocritical.

Surely there are people here who have contacts in the Greens. Please suggest that removal of Long Service Leave be added to their policies. Surely it must really cause emotional trauma for many people to be getting mandatory Long Service Leave which is a constant reminder of our Colonial past!

This is fantastic news, there is nothing to celebrate on the 26th or invasion day. After the invasion of this country between 60-90 % of the indigenous population was just murdered. For those that were “lucky”enough to survive this genocide they were then marched off there lands and put into jails called reservation, then they had there children stolen and sent away, for there own good of course, they were taught how to be good little white fellas . Of course this meant you wear not allowed to speak your own tongue partake in your own culture. Not to mention hold your own lands, oh and by the way we will just keep your wages or not bother to pay them in the first place. This sounds like a great party to me let’s celebrate YAY

Wow. So that’s the output of woke indoctrination. Where does the 90% murder rate statistic come from? A certain large planet?

between 60-90 % of the indigenous population was just murdered.
What’s your source? Many may have died but that was from disease not ‘murder’. Inane to think that the continent would never be settled from overseas bringing with it it’s viruses and diseases.
marched off there lands and put into jails called reservation,
Source? Most communities established by governments were done so to secure access to drinking water after prolonged droughts.
there children stolen and sent away
It was rare to have taken children away from mothers unless the children were
in danger. It wasn’t unusual for aboriginals to banish and abandon half caste children.
Do some independent research.

The majority were not murdered they died from introduced diseases like flu, smallpox & diptheria

Rubbish, another statement just blowing it out of proporation

Greens don’t show the Australian flag. It’s not just shameful, they think, but an extreme right wing domestic terrorist dog-whistle; as is everything they don’t agree with. So it is with their view of Australia Day.

What are you really celebrating on 26 January? Happy Brutal Penal Colony Day? Even that’s not accurate as they left the convicts on the stinking ships for a week after they landed at Port Jackson. In effect, the actual anniversary of the establishment of the colony should be a week later.

“Party leader Shane Rattenbury said his party felt 26 January was not a day of celebration so public money would be better spent elsewhere.” ANZAC Day is not a day of celebration either – so will he defund that too?

ANZAC Day is not a day of celebration. It is a day of remembrance.

Shane can you please then cede any real property that you or your family own, to the most relevant Aboriginal Land Corporation or equivalent.

I don’t know why the usual right wing commentators are getting so upset over this article, the solution to their issue, lies in the very first sentence – “The ACT Greens have promised … if it were to win this year’s election.”
The story starts and ends there.

Greens providing ONE suitable alternative to January 26th challenge (impossible)

How about 1 January? That is the anniversary of Federation and when we stopped being a loose coalition of British colonies.

Megsy, That’s also New Year. It would clash. Most unsuitable.

There are multiple potential days that could be chosen. It is not impossible at all.

January 26th has very little to do with the entity of ‘Australia’ at all to be honest – beyond it being the date much, much later that those alive transferred from british citizens to Australian citizens in 1949.

While Jan 1 doesn’t make a lot of sense given its New Year – although that is really a pretty poor reason not to choose it, there are other dates that could be chosen. For instance 9 May – the date our Parliament sat for the first time. That has far greater relevance to Australia today then the date a bunch of convicts were left on crappy old British ships (they didn’t come ashore on 26 Jan) awaiting their servitude to come.

I’m sick to the back teeth of these woke Green lefties telling us we can’t celebrate the great achievements of my country. I’m proudly flying the flag and if Rattenbury and his crew don’t like it we’ll then know what they can do with his EV charger.

Scrap reconciliation day. If Indigenous people are already considered Australians why need a day to reconcile us to “ourselves”? We had a referendum on this already where the Australian public made it clear there does not to be some “special” group we should be giving different treatment to or trying to appease/reconcile ourselves with!

Greens are always pushing Labor further left, thankfully the Chief Minister pushed back this time.

Maybe we should move Canberra Day to the day when Barr and Rattenbury and their acolytes get kicked out of ACT Government…now that truly would be a celebration.

Stay. Now that we would celebrate

Barr is reasonably OK and would be allowed to do a better job if he wasn’t constantly held to ransom by the looney Greens of the ACT.

GrumpyGrandpa2:21 pm 23 Jan 24

The Greens made their name for the climate focused agendas. Sadly, now they have morphed into a party that appears more focused on social agendas and leftist ideology.

Today’s announcement that they want to de-fund “Australia Day”, is just another example of why Canberrans should vote every one of them out of the Assembly in October.

Reconcile what? In an amazing feat in anyone’s eyes we have taken 85% of a race and in 200 years have brought them from a static Stone Age existence into the dynamic 21st Century. The 15% that have decided not to take advantage of the high tech services and life opportunities that modern Australia offers can please themselves. At the same time that we have supplied medicine, infrastructure and education we have saved them from occupation by the less benevolent Portugese or Spanish. Not before time for the Aboriginal population to say sorry to those other Aboriginals that they fought, killed, wounded, abducted and displaced as they attained and retained their current ‘country’. We have nothing to reconcile and a simple thanks from living Aboriginals for all the positives that have been given to them and their ancestors post 1788 would suffice.

Please show evidence there was any likelihood the Spanish or Portuguese would have looked to colonise Australia. What absolute hogwash.

Making crap up, like most of your comment doesn’t make it true.

Here we have the Communist Australian Greens Party yet again rejecting Australian values and the recent Voice overwhelming referendum vote of NO to division by race. Maybe this Communist outfit needs to be reminded they and the ALP lost that referendum and they lost it with about a 2 to 1 margin.

A typical nut job view of the world. You don’t lose a referendum – it is not a win/lose thing. It never was. A referendum puts a question to the Australian people to approve or not approve a change to the constitution. On this occasion (like most), Australian people chose not to approve the change.

It is not a win/lose contest. Embarrassing that grown people run with such infantile takes on things. Whatever your views on that referendum, we should respect what it was, and the Government deserves credit for putting it forward to the people to decide, as they said they would do.

GrumpyGrandpa5:12 pm 24 Jan 24

With respect JS9,
With this Referendum, unlike previous Referendums, this one didn’t have bipartisan support. It was a one-sided campaign with the Government only funding Yes.
I’m sure that if the Referendum had been successful, the ALP would have considered that they had won the day. Afterall, the Referendum was part of Albo’s election campaign and politicians, regardless of which party they belong to, like to take credit when things go their way and like to blame others when they don’t.

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