Are you confused yet? I am.
Amanda Bresnan is unhappy the ACT Health Council is bineg disbanded in the wake of the creation of the Local Hospital Network Council.
“The factors most likely to affect a person’s health outcomes go far beyond hospitals. The Health Council itself has stated that the biggest threat to life expectancies in the ACT is obesity. Threats like this require broad advice on Population Health that a Health Council can provide to the ACT Government.
“Governments must start to recognise the ‘Social Determinants of Health’, and that the factors most likely to impact on a person’s health outcomes derive from their socioeconomic background and their lifestyle.
“For example, if we had an ACT Health Council that could advise on how to assist people on low incomes to eat food of improved nutritional value, we could do more to improve health outcomes in this high risk group.
I’m not sure we need a whole health council to distribute a lentil recipe book. But will concede it was just one example.