I’ve had a variety of people I don’t know who aren’t using government email addresses ask me to repost tweets of Katy Gallagher around her social media strategy musings.
So before offering my own advice the questions are:
1) What should she do with a blog?
2) How should she run Twitter community cabinets?
Fire away in the comments.
Now my advice.
Short answer to both:
Longer answers:
If you don’t have a strong vision for what you want to do with a blog you shouldn’t start one. This applies to everyone. A blog for the sake of a blog is a waste of pixels and electrons.
Do however publish media releases about what you’re doing.
And if you do have an idea about things you want to blog about knock yourself out, don’t worry what anyone else thinks.
But if you must have a blog because it’s the in thing and still lack inspiration you could do worse than to model it on what Andrew Leigh does. For mine it’s the gold standard in politicians blogging, but he’s a very smart dude with interesting ideas.
You can’t run a public meeting without someone being in control of the microphone.
If you must run a community meeting via Twitter (rather than, say a moderated comments section of a website) get a trusted community figure to run the @ACTVCC twitter account. They can retweet selectively and reading that account’s page would give a coherent discussion.
No different to QandA using only a miniscule fraction of the tweets of all Australia’s attention seekers.
Everyone wanting to see the raw insanity can still use #actvcc .
Trusted community figure could be anyone, with a heavy heart I’d be willing to do it, but I’d prefer to drop Danielle Post or Virginia Haussegger into this one.
Ok Rioters, over to you now…