15 December 2006

Images of Canberra - Danman goes underground

| johnboy
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Continuing Danman’s series of pictures taken over the weekend here’s his descent into the depths…

Anyone going to guess where it was taken?

Got an image in or of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it to johnboy@the-riotact.com

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Jazz, I owe you a tenner…

Jazz, I put a tenner down on Jimbo not showing up again by the time we next meet at the all bar nun.

Head out deeks forest at night in winter. Bitterly cold, but the regrowth encrusted in ice reflecting back light is quite surreal.
My POS camera doesn’t do night shots tho.

Danman, if you do head out past Dunlop on Ginninderra Drive there’s a tree alone on a hill in the distance which looks exactly like the Karate Kid tree. THAT is worth the drive.

Damn you Jazz – I snorted coffee out my nose on that mental image.

Jazz – RE Lessons – hit me with an email at spasticschooldropout@gmail.com – ill give you some good resources to get started.

Failing that – I can always be found skulking in the shadows down by the lake most (non school) nights.

Jim, its a bit like the train platform to hogwarts. You need to run very fast, straight at the end wall and you’ll make it through.

But Al, Dan had his back to the phone booth!

Seriously Danman is going to be soundly thrashed for revealing the entrance to our secret lair.

(and if anyone wants a laugh tonight head down there to see Jim poking around looking for the entrance)

Re Maxwell Smart – if there was just a phone booth at the far end…

Thumper – past dunlop or what ?what side of teh road – landmarks etc ?

yeah, i wouldnt mind. I wish that my photography was that good. I’d like to think i have a good eye for composition but sadly my technical skills are lagging a bit behind.

NIKON D70 with a 17mm(wiiiiiiiiiiide) to 70mm nikkor AF lens – optex tripod (120 bucks at chadstone JB Hifi 2 years ago) 2million cp hand lantern for filling (or colouring in the case of the haunted tree) coloured theatre gels from lighting cans (green red and blue) and my time patience and experimentation.

I dont bother with filters or post production – but hay thats just me. Im a puritan and believe the only editing need be brightness/contrast – all lighting/focal etc effects are all in the field.

Want lessons πŸ™‚

Danman, what gear are you using to shoot these?

Primus – the brown album – my fave.

I think the air os brown down that way – will need a negative brown filter

Best to use a brown filter for the Molonglo shots.

Sheperds lookout @ sunset – ill have to look into the molonglo sewerage place – however – not too keen leaving my car unattended out there at that hour – as I have seen many a car torched/vandalised there.

On another note- the ACTEW website tells me that the trunk sewer inlet at Molonglo Sewerage is tall and wide enough to sail a boat in. Bar the smell and biohazard – I woudl reallyt like to have a look at that. Tunnels excite me.

Thumper, have you been out parking lately????

yea Ill drp by tonight on my way to woden…

I’m guessing it is the entrance to johnboy’s secret lair.

Someone is on the money.

Behind this shot is the stairs from the albert hall side – and some artwork (community artwork I am guessing) on teh wall – before I went down – I was taking photos of Albert Hall, and looked down and saw someone in the tunnel.

Hoping that they had gone by the time I wanted to go down – I just walked down the stairs and there was a homeless guy down there – obviously writing on the wall.

I said hello to him, acknowledging the fact that he was writing on the wall – and that he not stop on my account.

he was rolling a smoke while we chatted – his hands and teeth were really nocotene stained, his face was like dry and cracked leather. He mumbled something about rich people (there was a function @ Hyatt). I wanted him to pose in front of the wall but I did not want to scare or intimidate him. I turned my back to him to frame my shot (signifying total trust) and when i turned back him and his bike were gone.

When I was leaving – I took about 5 minutes to read what he was writing on the wall and let me tell you – there was lots and lots. All poetic socio/political observations from his point of view.

Pretty sad – I wanted to give him some money – but I always think am I condescending them in doing so.

Damn you Christmas cheer – making me sad!!

There are places in Canberra that look like this, but I am fairly sure this is not one of the ‘real’ ones, as posting such a pic on a website could get you into a fair bit of trouble.

Interesting that the likes of Aidan Bruford haven’t successfully daubed it.

The NCA must keep on top of graffiti better than the ACT Govt.

That was my guess as well.

Only It’s Commonwealth Avenue by then.

Northbourne Ave underpass near Albert Hall?

Wherever it is it looks creepy.

I am guessing you know JB ?

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