On Boxing Day around 10.30pm, someone driving a white Toyota ute caused an accident at the corner of Drakeford and Erindale Drive.
Two other cars were involved, one of which was rear-ended and then smashed driver’s side first into a light pole. I have no idea of the full extent of the driver’s injuries, but she had severe right leg pain, cuts from broken glass and broken teeth. When I continued my journey, all three emergency services were at the scene. I hope the young woman who was injured is going to be ok.
Within seconds of causing the accident, the ute left the scene heading east on Erindale Drive. It was a white Hilux? with TOYOTA in red on the rear tail gate, with roof/ladder racks of some description. If you know anything about this vehicle or who was driving it, please contact the Police. It will be pretty hard to miss as the bonnet looks something like this:

Thank you to everyone who stopped to offer assistance last night, and to all the emergency service personnel who are working over the holiday season to take care of our community.