So I got into the passenger side of my mates care in the Bunnings carpark at lunchtime. A few seconds later, the young guy in the car next to me, who was parked with his rear to the kerb, starts to rev his engine like a loony, pops the clutch and roars forward about a foot before he stalls it and jerks to a halt.
There was a bit of a WTF moment, and then it all became clear as another ratfaced tool… ermmm…young gentleman ran up with his arms full of power tools, jumped in and urged his mate to continue with the frantic efforts to restart the car. A stream of red-shirted Bunnings folks were coming out the door and running towards the stationary getaway vehicle when the driver managed to get it going and they lurched slowly around the carpark and out onto Newcastle street. It was like the getaway driven didn’t actually have his licence, because he had some pretty poor driving skills.
Given the low price of power tools, why would anybody risk doing this? Some urgent renovations in progress perhaps?
Anyway, I got the vehicle details and called Crimestoppers. The car was probably stolen with fake plates, but you never know. These guys definitely weren’t master criminals.