The new lookABC website, which may or may not have been designed by three-toed sloth after a eating a gut full of coca leaves, is running a story that our esteemed Federal and ACT Labor politicians are organising ACT’s own mini 2020 summit.
Innovation is the theme, and Annette Ellis is sure that by inviting Canberrans to take part, it would create a bunch of really useful, innovative ides for our delegates to take along to the Kev07 love in. The only catch dear readers, is people wanting to register for the talks can email by March 21.
So lets begin. My innovative idea is that we utlise large trebuchet’s to ease the burden on our public transport system, by launching people over and around our Parliamentary Triangle. I see two advantages to this, the larger-than-your-average-bear percentile of our population will either via humiliation or death, be forced to streamline (ahem) their bodies to the rigours of gravity, as well as help with the demolition of condemned, or about to be redeveloped buildings by being launched in, on or through the structure, thus saving the contrauction industry valuable time and resources, that can be spent on building moderate income houses in outlying areas of Canberra, or bolstering the profits of ACTTAB, local sporting clubs adn the various ‘Gentlemen Clubs’ located in our industrial heartland.