I have my doubts, as I’ve expressed to pollies and Jason Parker (see below). Could be sensational, not to mention slightly disruptive….
Dear Madam or Sir,
You may be aware of speculation in the media in recent days, and comments by Jason Parker of Porters lawyers on behalf of victims, on ABC’s Lateline last evening, in relation to the apparent difficulty encountered identifying the legal operator of the college.
Are you able to advise me who operates this institution? And more pertinently, in which entity does legally responsibility for a duty-of-care ultimately reside?
If not, I would respectfully suggest that this college may be operating illegally. This should be brought to the attention of the Federal minister.
Further, if it is unclear where liability lies, I would suggest that no parent could, in good conscience, allow their child to return to said college following the current break. Indeed, should they be on the premises in the mean-time?
Can this be resolved expeditiously? Otherwise one might be inclined to petition the ACT Supreme Court seeking to injunct the college and cease its operation, with great attendant disruption, until such time as these issues are resolved.
Yours faithfully,
An alert and alarmed parent