My friend lives in Hawker and I have noticed that a particular group of units on Springvale Drive all seem to be selling up. What gives? Is there something wrong with these units? Are they falling to pieces? Asbestos? Termites? Fear of a property bubble? (so many new units being built that this last fear may be quite reasonable)
I had taken an interest in some of these units being sold and considered even buying one as an investment / or possibly to move into later but I’m unnerved by the constant rotation of for sale signs.. it implies that something is wrong. They sure aren’t selling for a decent profit as I can see that unit prices in the area are very flat, even perhaps dropping.
I hope someone can shed some light on this for me.
Here are the recent units for sale since for past 8 months. Note that all these are in 4 adjacent unit lots with almost identical design:
22/32 Springvale Drive, Hawker
15/32 Springvale Drive, Hawker
2/30 Springvale Drive, Hawker
12/30 Springvale Drive, Hawker
22/30 Springvale Drive, Hawker
10/28 Springvale Drive, Hawker (OFFER)
23/28 Springvale Drive, Hawker
4/28 Springvale Drive, Hawker
19/26 Springvale Drive, Hawker
14/26 Springvale Drive, Hawker (SOLD)
3/26 Springvale Drive, Hawker