To get it out of the way, I do not support any scripture in schools. I feel that religion is a personal choice and something that is managed by a family, not taught by random strangers at a public school.
I am curious to know how other schools in the ACT run the program.
The one my child attends puts a small notice in the newsletter and then hides an OPT-OUT permission slip in the back.
I don’t feel that I am provided enough information about the program. There are no offers to view the materials that will be used and I see it as quite deceptive to bury the non-consent note deep within a newsletter.
This is from the DET website:
4.3.6 The principal must ensure that the only children who attend the religious education program are those whose parents have consented to their attendance.
I don’t think you can ensure parents have given consent when it is a case of implied consent. Why are all other permission notes are sent separately with return dates seeking explicit consent, but not scripture lessons.
I have heard the Amaroo has an opt-in program. So I know that there are other ways to handle this issue of consent.
We are seeking a meeting with the principal to discuss this but it would good to know what other schools do or how other parents in the community feel.