While browsing ACTPLA (sad, I know) I found this intriguing development application. It is for a temporary cyclepath through the grassland between Cotter Rd and Dixon Drive, routing cyclists off Cotter Rd while they build the new Molonglo arterial road. Due to start in October, the road shows up on the plans as “John Gorton Drive”.
Here’s the link – check out the site plan.
So, no suburb called “Gorton” it would seem. (Too similar to “Gordon” maybe.)
[ED – John Gorton was a former fighter pilot and 19th Prime Minister of Australia for the Liberals. He was a man of such principle that he voted himself out of office rather than survive in power on the strength of his own vote. Gorton then devoted his twilight years campaigning against the lunacy of drug prohibition, pretty much a lone voice at his level. Despised by the political classes he probably deserves more celebration by we peons.]