Great to see a site where all the under worked Canberians can waste more time (damn i miss
Canberra)So I was reading the blog on crime and Watson, just a few trivial facts I know about out cri in al system and how we treat them.Wagga has a juvenile detention centre and oh boy have I learned a bit from this place, did you know if you commit a crime b4 u are 18 then when you turn 18 they don’t move them to big boys prison oh no they get to stay on till there 21. So the young 11 year old criminal gets to hang out with the 20 year old criminal, wonder what he will learn.I also like there in ground pool and the special things they get like riding on quad bikes as a treat for being well behaved criminals.Oh and not to mention there family whom come to visit from out of town and who foots the bill yes yes u guessed it the tax payer, while the family’s are here they get drunk, drugged out fight steal and mame.Then there’s our jail system where while the family’s visit there’s a nice big well maintained play area for the criminals kids and here is where the seed is planted, these youngens start to think well what a cool place i cant wait to visit Dad we get to play and get cold drinks and a free lunch…….. We love jail.Then there’s our local law enforcment,these guys are great considering the lack of them, but lets face it break and enters stolen cars graffiti noise pollution…………none of these raise revenue but speed cameras and highway patrol men now they raise revenue and lots of it.Climbs down from soap box. ZERO TOLERANCE says I
Upgrades announced for major regional highways in capital country
Rehabilitation... Sounds like the road is drink and is going through a program. Seriously the weasel… View
Why is it always around election time these are announced? After Votes no less. View
The road is fine, completely safe, it's the drivers that make it dangerous. Slow down muppets. View
It's electrifying! Canberra students inducted into the world of induction cooking
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Human rights sanctions hardly used against trade partners, parliament inquiry suggests
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Lara Zangl I speak from experience, either coworkers or people I paid, or my clients when they asked… View