For all you lovers of local music news…Just Bands is STILL dead I’m afraid. Arrrrrggggg! Serves me right for using a feww hosting service I guess. Anyway…to keep you from going mad, I’ve written a brief review of Friday night at The Green Room…
Sam from Little Smoke & I headed along to The Green Room on Friday 25 November for the last “free” gig of the year. Let’s just say I’m glad I didn’t have to pay.
We caught two bands…the first “Sin City” had been to rock’n’roll school. They had the look, the moves, the sultry female singer playing up her questionable sexuality “just enough”. The vacant stares from the guitarist to suggest too much drug consumption. The co-ordinated “moves” between singer & bass player. They had it all. Quite enjoyable really….well, until you closed your eyes & realised they were not actually that good. They weren’t “bad” as such, but their stage show certainly outdid their musicianship. That said, I loved them & really, really enjoyed watching them play. Would I buy a CD? Probably not. Would I watch them live again? Without hesitation.
Here’s when things turned sour. I don’t know the name of the band that played after Sin City & the Green Room website has been updated, so I can’t find out from there. I wish I did know their name…then I’d know exactly when NOT to turn up to a venue. My God were they AWEFUL! I’ll set the scene….picture a drummer with an expensive kit, multiple pad triggers & a laptop to boot. Then add a guitarist that looked like his Mum had purchased an entire studio for him to play with. Mix in a singer who’s designer jeans & other clothes to match just made him look…well, like a complete tosser. They basically had the look of “no talent hacks with rich parents”. If that’s what we thought before they played…it was confirmed from about 10 seconds into their first song.
They played a style of guitar/dance fusion I guess you’d call it. Not really my thing…but if done well, I could appreciate it. Only problem was…despite spending more on their gear than I’ve earned in the past 5 years (& I earn a good wage!), they forgot one crucial factor…actually being able to play. They thought they looked good & they didn’t…I’m sure they thought they sounded good, but they could not have been more wrong.
I’ve never had to leave a venue before ’cause the band was just too crap to watch…have now. Sam & I lasted until midway through the 3rd song & could not subject our poor ears to any further torture…we left. Find out who they were…then avoid them is my suggestion. Sorry boys…but really, you were quite seriously BAD.
On the bright side…Sin City were very entertaining & free entry seemed to bring in some young punters.