Chief Minister Gallagher and Greens Leader (when did she stop just being the convenor?) Meredith Hunter have issued a policy light joint communique on the end of the Parliamentary Agreement which has kept Labor in power:
Today the ACT Labor Government and the ACT Greens Party met to discuss and formally report on the implementation of their Parliamentary Agreement. The Agreement which formally expires in October 2012 forms the basis of the formal relationship struck between the Greens Party and the ACT Labor Party in 2008.
Both parties agreed that the Parliamentary Agreement has been a valuable mechanism to create a platform for policy discussion and reform over the term of the 7th Assembly. It has also been the basis on which the former Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope and the current Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher enjoyed majority support of the Assembly.
Importantly, the Agreement was sufficiently flexible to allow both parties to disagree on bills and motions before the Assembly, whilst ensuring the continued stability of government in the ACT as well as enabling the delivery of the shared vision detailed in the Agreement.
Apparently we’ve all been the winners.