Chief Minister Katy Gallagher stated to me last year that the planned Majura Parkway would have a physically separated cycle path next to the road like the M7 in Sydney:
Katy Gallagher said on 19 August:
Hi, as part of the Majura Parkway project a separate cycle path will be constructed off road along the length of the road similar to that of the M7 in Sydney. It will be similar to Copenhagen except it will be on one side of the road but wide enough for two way bike travel. We will continue to discuss as we undertake final planning for the road with the bicycle advisory group. KG
In a letter to pedal Power Katy Gallagher has stated that there is no money for the separated path. Brendan Nerdal from Pedal Power advocacy says:
An off-road path along Majura Parkway is critical because it allows people who are not confident riding on roads to also ride along that transit corridor.
“We need that facility built today. It will be the cheapest time to do it. To retrofit it later, such as the Gungahlin Drive extension, would cost a fortune.”
I still don’t understand why ACT doesn’t follow international best practice for cycle infrastructure like other countries: