With the somnolent Liberals up to no more policy development than public fellation in CityNews and regurgitation of Mr Rabbit’s talking points it has fallen to the Greens to offer up policy alternatives.
Which lead yesterday in the Legislative Assembly to a Labor and Liberal Combine smacking down those pesky alternative ideas.
Firstly Caroline Le Couteur was miffed that her efforts to improve Energy Efficiency Ratings were voted down by the Combine.
The Greens motion to improve the Energy Efficiency Ratings (EER) system was voted down by a combined Liberal and Labor vote.
The motion would have required expected gross energy use for a house to be provided along with energy efficiency ratings, giving a clearer indicator of running costs for home buyers.
The ABC reports that the majors again united to support the plans for the Majura Parkway (no doubt the GDE of our times):
The ACT Greens wanted to delay the funding for the road linking the Monaro and Federal highways in favour of other transport options.
The Government’s motion supporting the plan was voted down by the other two parties.
The Greens motion also failed.
The Labor Government then voted for the Liberal’s motion which backed the building of the parkway, to ensure it passed.
Chief Minister Katy Gallagher says the debate was not the Assembly’s finest hour.
“Three motions, two pretty similar in the sense that supportive of the road and one of them got up,” Ms Gallagher said.
“So at the end, the outcome we wanted which was that there was support and the Assembly made a clear statement around the importance of this piece of infrastructure is the actual outcome, rather than the toing and froing on whose motion was better than somebody else’s.”
No doubt Zed is thrilled that it was his motion that got up, despite an absence of substantive difference.