Bear in mind that the Liberal road for electoral success runs through Tuggeranong when you consider their latest policy of improvements to Erindale:
ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Urban Services Minister Alistair Coe announced today that if elected, a Canberra Liberals Government will immediately improve the look of Gartside Street in Erindale through better landscaping, footpaths and dozens of car parks, and will undertake further studies to identify additional cark parks.
Mr Seselja said this commitment is an important part of the Canberra Liberals’ plan to provide thousands more parking spaces across the ACT, and to clean up Canberra.
“Under the ACT Labor Government, Erindale’s parking needs have been ignored and local businesses have suffered as a result,” Mr Seselja said.
“That’s why if elected, a Canberra Liberals Government will immediately add more parking spaces to Gartside Street in Erindale, and undertake a comprehensive study for more parking in the centre.
“We’ll also improve the overall look of Gartside Street through better landscaping and footpaths. The total cost of this policy is $225,000, and will come from our already announced $700 million roads and parking package,” Mr Seselja concluded.
[Images provided by Zed’s office and collaged by me.]