Jeremy Hanson thinks things have been a bit fishy over at ACTEW for a while, and would like to know what is going on. To that end, he plans on asking the Assembly to ask the Auditor-General to conduct a performance audit of ACTEW.
“I share many of the concerns people in the community have expressed to me about ACTEW over the past few months and I am very concerned by the ongoing confusion and public bickering between the Chief Minister and ACTEW management,” Mr Hanson said.
“I also question whether the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister have been fulfilling all of their responsibilities on behalf of ACT taxpayers as shareholders in ACTEW.
“It is time for the Auditor-General to conduct an independent audit of ACTEW and examine all these issues, in particular the enlarged Cotter Dam which now costs hundreds of millions more than budgeted, executive remuneration, corporate expenditure, the process and justification for the return of water and sewerage assets, concerns raised in the recent ICRC draft report, internal control procedures and checks and balances within ACTEW, how ACTEW protects its interests as a joint venture partner in ActewAGL, and shareholders responsibilities and compliance requirements.
“Community concern has reached a point where an independent examination of ACTEW by the Auditor-General is necessary to restore public trust in both ACTEW and the Government’s handling of recent issues,” Mr Hanson concluded.