The best part of a year into the new reformed liquor licensing regime Justice and Community Safety are back to circulating an options paper for fee models.
Well done Labor and Greens for pushing the last lot through which have obviously worked so well.
But looking to windward what’s on the table here?
- 1 Current Model
On:/Club/General/Special: Standard Fee based on Volume of Liquor + Late Night Risk Fee = Total Fee
Off: Total fee based on Volume of Liquor sold
2 Refined Current Off Licence Model
Off: Total fee based on Volume of Liquor sold (with new categories)
3 Refined Current Model
On/Club/General/Special: Standard Fee based on Volume of Liquor + Late Night Risk Fee (modified occupancy loading)= Total Fee
4 Flexi Model
On/Club/General/Special: Standard Fee based on Volume of Liquor + Late Night Fee Based On Occupancy Loading = Total Fee
5 OLM Model
On/Club/General/Special: (Standard Fee based on Volume of Liquor + Late Night Fee) x Occupancy Loading Multiplier = Total fee
6 Licence Category Model On/Club/General/Special: Standard Fee based on Licence Category x Late 23 Night Risk Factor = Total Fee
7 Three Risk Category Model
On/Club/General/Special: Standard Fee based on Licence Type x (Size Factor + Late Night Factor) = Total fee
8a Refined Current Model with compliance history
On/Club/General/Special: Standard Fee based on Volume of Liquor + Late Night Risk Fee + Compliance History Component = Total Fee
8b OLM Model with compliance history
On/Club/General/Special: (Standard Fee based on Volume of Liquor + Late Night Fee + Compliance History Component) x Occupancy Loading Multiplier = Total fee
8c Refined Off Licence Model with compliance history
Off: Total fee based on Volume of Liquor sold + Compliance History Component
So completely back to the drawing board then?