Chief Minister Stanhope has the thrilling news that statues of John Curtin and Ben Chifley already underway will be joined by one of Ming himself, Pig Iron Bob, also known as Sir Robert Menzies.
Chief Minister Jon Stanhope announced today that planning is underway to commission a life-size statue of Sir Robert Menzies, Australia’s longest serving Prime Minister, for the Lake Burley Griffin lakeshore.
“Sir Robert Menzies made a strenuous effort to advance the development of Canberra as the Australian capital, during his second term as Prime Minister between 1949 and 1966,” Mr Stanhope said.
Sir Robert Menzies is credited with the creation of the National Capital Development Commission and championed the creation of Lake Burley Griffin which he dedicated in 1964. He also oversaw the transfer of thousands of public servants from Melbourne to Canberra as Federal departments and institutions were progressively relocated to the national capital.
He enjoyed frequent long contemplative walks across the ACT and, following its construction, around the Lake Burley Griffin lakeshore.
A potential site for the statue has been identified along the R G Menzies Walk on the northern shore of the lake.
According to legend Canberra as we know it exists largely because Dame Pattie Menzies lost her rag about pushing the grandchildren to Manuka Pool over dirt tracks.
That ACTPLA currently resides in Dame Pattie Menzies house gives some credence to the legend.