We moved house just under a year ago from a two-bedroom, one bathroom to a 3.5-bedroom, two bathroom in the Queanbeyan area and have tripled our electricity costs (from $290 in the biggest quarter to almost $700 in our biggest quarter – summer).
I initially thought it may be due to us having used the reverse cycle heating/cooling but reality is we don’t use it that often. In fact this winter we’ve used it three times for one hour to reduce the chill.
I have phoned ActewAGL to discuss and they say that our consumption is pretty consistent with how the property has been over the last few years, however there are only two of us, with one or two visitors every three weekends or so, whereas the previous occupants had a family of four.
I am concerned mostly that there is an appliance in the house that is using too much electricity or ‘leaking’. When we moved in, within two weeks we had a $300 electricity bill! This says to me that something is using A LOT of electricity.
Is anyone aware of, or can recommend, somewhere we can rent a unit that can measure how much electricity is being used? As a renter, we really don’t want to have to get an electrician in and I don’t think the real estate/owners would pay for it unless there was definitely a faulty appliance.
It should be noted that we have been rugging up and not using the heating cooling, turning off lights and power points etc in order to try and save electricity and we still have a $600 bill for the last quarter… perhaps this is even normal!?
In which case I would like to know how much you pay if leaving in NSW region and for only two people (with visitors maybe three).
Thanks in advance for your advice.