[First filed: July 26, 2008 @ 08:59]
The ABC reports that a woman was fatally stabbed to at the Charnwood shops at 8pm.
She died at the hospital shortly afterwards.
UPDATED: As noted in the comments the ABC now reports that the victim was a 43 yr old woman from Dunlop and there was a large argument outside the take-away leading to the violence. Another woman is being questioned and police are seeking witnesses.
Further update The Herald Sun informs us of murder charges laid against a 35 year old Charnwood woman.
Update made with a degree of nervousness: Automated monitoring has brought up a discussion of this from the nazi filth at Stormfront. I can’t understand their point without learning to read rascist-scum but maybe someone else can translate?
ANOTHER UPDATE: The AFP has finally made a brief statement.
UPDATE: Radio reports that bail has been refused. The ABC report is now online. And we have a name: Rebecca Anne Massey stands accused. Apparently she has a history of knife crime, well done your honours with previous lenient sentences, they’ve worked out well haven’t they?