RiotACT opinion writer Greg Cornwell has no favourite Christmas film but does like Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. He’s looking forward to the Boxing Day test and some peace and quiet during the festive season.
What I love most about Christmas is seeing family I don’t see much of during the year because we are all so busy and, these days, often so far away.
What I like least about Christmas is the increasing commercialisation which seems to begin about June.
My best ever Christmas, surprisingly because it did not involve family (but I was younger then) was in London in 1961. A group of expats, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Rhodesians, Canadians etc all got together for lunch. We each had different jobs, buying, cooking etc – and no presents!
My favourite Christmas songs are the hymns, well carols I guess. The music and words are inspiring.
I don’t have a favourite Christmas film but I do like Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
I celebrate Christmas Eve – or I did – wrapping presents but we have abandoned that experience now all are grown up.
I celebrate Christmas Day with family and going to church to sing the carols (see above).
On Boxing Day I like the cricket.
The gift I’d like most to give this Christmas if within my power is world peace, in spite of all sorts of experts we don’t seem to make it.
For Christmas this year, as always, I’d like peace and quiet.
Pictured is Scrooge’s Visit from Marley, an illustration for Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol by John Leech (1817-1864).