Arguments about the feasibility of renewable energy often concentrate around costings and capabilities that are out of date. But what exactly is happening in solar technology? Speculate no longer! Come along to the Bob Douglas Lecture Theatre, Eggleston Road, ANU Campus tomorrow night at 6 pm to find out for yourself what the latest from the solar industry can deliver.
Run as part of the ongoing SEE-Change Solar Seminar Series and the Canberra Environment and Sustainability Resource Centre’s SUSTAIN Ability Workshop Series 2012, Guest Speaker Steve Blume – President of the Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) and Vice President Public Affairs for the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) – will share his knowledge and insights in this short talk. Steve’s specialities include climate change and environment policy development & implementation, as well as solar and other renewable energy technologies.
Please register here through eventbrite if you wish to attend (but please note there is no need to print your ticket). For more information contact