4 August 2024

New home builders in Canberra

| kloggie
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Hi all,

We hope to build our new home in Canberra next year. Since we have never built before and hope to only do this once, and being fairly new in Canberra still (18 months now), I was wondering if people could tell me about their good experiences with builders in Canberra?


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buildingquoteHQ9:04 pm 02 Mar 12

Blatant plug warning!… but I think we can help.

http://www.buildingquote.com.au is a locally operated on-line service and has over 30 reputable, licensed (mostly award winning) builders covering all areas of Canberra to choose from. Our unique service matches you to the right builder and allows you to research builders through past projects and testimonials. You then complete our detailed, user friendly on-line Inclusions Schedule (to ensure you are comparing apples with apples) and finally upload your completed Schedule and your plans. Once you have selected your preferred 3 or 4 builders your project is forwarded to those builders for quoting. All without having to leave your home!

Right builder, Right price, Right now

Good luck

I reckommend, in addition to looking for a good builder, you find a doctor willing to prescribe sufficient medication to get you through the pain of dealing with building industry.

I have not had a house built by them, but I was very impressed by a company called Jigsaw Housing, who invited the public to assist them in building an 8-star energy-efficient home for less than 200K back in September last year.

I attended the meeting, and was amazed at how much they managed to achieve, but even more so, how well they communicated with the general public, and with myself. The team includes an architect, a builder, and an energy assessor, so they can help you create a house which not only looks good, but is comfortable in regards to light and temperature, rather than a mass-produced box.

Details here: http://www.jigsawhousing.com.au/

We used Kolak Homes for our home Crace very happy.

Unfortunately I can’t give you any good builders but I can give you one to be cautious of. B & T homes. We had a house and land package around 2 – 3 years ago and whilst the house is structurally sound we had a few issues with them along the way.

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