We live in Isabella Plains and going on a year now have been the victims of an escalating and completely unprovoked series of attacks from a group of local youths. What started with some waterbombs being thrown has steadily escalated into a campaign of terror waged against myself and my elderly parents that has led to windows and cars being smashed, wheelie bins being flung against the house, mailboxes stolen, assault etc.
Calling the police is an utter joke. Unless we can identify the little criminals (because that’s so easy when they attack in the dead of night and leave your property vandalised and you shaken) they won’t even send a car out. They have even given up the hollow claims of ‘increased patroles’ because they know that we know it’s just a big PR exercise designed to cover up how useless they actually are- and don’t the local delinquents know it!
We have already shelled out thousands of dollars not only repairing the damage done (now add to that the car windscreen they threw a rock through tonight) but also fortifying the house so we feel like we are living in a prison- but still they come and still the police sleep at night doing absolutely nothing.
My parents (aged in their late 60s/70s) are terrified and at the end of their teather. We cant move- we spent all our savings on this house- for all it’s worth. Now here we sit, like prisoners under seige in our own homes while these cocky little low life criminals continue to terrorise us. I have written to the Chief minister who is apparently quite satisfied that this is an acceptable state of affairs, as are the Police who I have appealed to several times to no avail. We don’t know what else to do. I’m now pricing CCTV which I fear will be out of our price range yet seems like the only way we can identify them because unless we do the job for them, the Police flatly refuse to act in any way to help us.
I hope the ACT Government and Police are proud, but then again, their actions to date have shown that they really couldn’t give a stuff about people who are trying to do little more than live their lives without fear. I brought my parents here from QLD because I thought Canberra would give them the retirement they would enjoy. Boy was I wrong.