With the debate on alternative energy sources hotting up and national considerations around nuclear power rearing their heads, Greens MLA Deb Foskey and, the perhaps aptly named, CRANC (Canberra Region Anti-Nuclear Campaign) bring us the ‘Nuclear No Solution Public Interest Forum’.
The forum, to be held at the Reception Room Legislative Assembly on Wednesday June 14, 6pm, includes the speaker Dr Jim Green (National Anti-Nuclear Campaigner, Friends of the Earth).
A brief search turned up no other info about the forum other that what was outlined in the ad I had clipped from The Chronicle. So, by the name of the forum and who it is hosted by we may not be so bold in assuming one view point is going to be presented. I think this is a shame as I’ve heard other view points on the issue and would like to hear them expanded on.
All are welcome and tea, coffee and nibbles are provided.
Email CRANC or give them a ring 0406 090 899/ 0405 370 782