26 November 2008

Not ANOTHER car crash in Ainslie?

| rosebud
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Yep! Same suburb, same street, same curb, very similar result.

About 2.30am Monday, I heard the familiar screeeeech boom crash tinkle followed by eery silence sound that I associate with young men driving late, late at night. Once again, a car missed the bend, mounted the curb, smashed a tree, and spun around a few times, before coming to a stop side on, facing the wrong way.

The neighbourhood, by now well practised in the art of emergency assistance, ran out into the street. The car doors were stuck, and when asked ‘are you alright mate?’ by one of the good samaratins, driver answered as if annoyed at the question, “I don’t f*ing know.” Driver then proceeded to try and kick his way out. When the door finally opened, he took off! Ah, but the police, ambulance and firebrigade were just as quick, and they jumped him and held him down. Wow, could that man yell. “Ahhhhhh, ahhhhh, f*ck off you f*n c*nts, ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhh, help help, get orfff you f*n dogs, ahhhh ahhhhhh, my back, my back, ahhhhhh.” etc etc. Like he was lying mortally wounded in the trenches at the battle of Dien Bien Phu. He might have had some crediblity except that he had tried to flee so quickly – none of this staggering around confused business, more like, ‘right, I’m off!’.

Oddly, the debris included a large cataolgue of vinyl LPs. Hopefully nothing too rare or expensive, because they were completely annihilated. There was also glass, wheel hub, bits of tyre, and hunks of tree scattered across the road, on the footpath, in my front garden and probably in the branches of the trees too.

But just like a scene from Dark City, the night cleaners came and removed almost all trace before daylight. Spooky.

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I bet the tree this bogan splintered would have other ideas about that Felix! I just can’t see the use of them.

And the rellies/friends are late, perhaps they haven’t got out of bed yet. I’m waiting for my entertainment.

Felix the Cat6:28 am 27 Nov 08

ant said :

Shanefos was being too kind. Bogan is the nicer term for these kinds of people. They cost all of us a lot in the taxes we pay for people to deal with them and the mess they make and the damage they cause. And they are such a worthless, unattractive tribe.

But they keep the economy going with their alcohol (and no doubt Winnie Blues as well!) purchases and also keep the smash repair shops in business.
/removes tounge from cheek

Shanefos was being too kind. Bogan is the nicer term for these kinds of people. They cost all of us a lot in the taxes we pay for people to deal with them and the mess they make and the damage they cause. And they are such a worthless, unattractive tribe. I’m glad the cops captured this one. With any luck, one was sitting on the idiot’s head.

Now, where are the friends and relatives to come and hurl poorly-spelled abuse at us and eulogise their criminal? They’re late.

Drunk and/or stolen car by the sound of it.

Speaking of how the “fck did they manage that” I went past an accident on the way to work yesterday morning at the glenloch interchange northbound just after the curve up onto caswell drive, some sorry looking young fellas (P platers) had managed total their hotted up car by cannoning into the centre/right hand barrier and cannon across to the left and flip their car into the ditch. Quite talented by the looks, or high speeds and stupid driver. I expect their day would have been topped off with a hefty fine too.

shiny flu said :

If only the government would do something, like putting a ramp in front of the roundabout after 1am aimed away from the tree/s with an arrow and ‘bogan’ written on it…

With the ramp leading to a net. Police can then swing by every now and then and clear it out.

If only the government would do something, like putting a ramp in front of the roundabout after 1am aimed away from the tree/s with an arrow and ‘bogan’ written on it…

Starscream said :

Will his buddies come online and start telling us all what a top bloke he is and he is the best driver in town and it was the cops fault he crashed?

I hope so. I just can’t get enough of the txt speak and CAPS LOCK.

Hercsie said :

Has anyone else noticed the increasing regularity with which pedestrian balistrades, keep left signs and traffic lights are being run over or smashed into lately. Seems the incidence of idiot driving is on the increase.

Yes, there does seem to be a lot of it about. Anyone who’s been past the large roundabout on Kings Avenue just down from Russell Hill may have noticed the direction sign that’s been remodelled recently. I went past there just after the knocker-overer had knocked it over, and was on his mobile phone while his 4WD was being hoisted onto the tow truck, and it was all I could do to not yell out the window, ‘Mate, how the hell DID you manage that?!’

Has anyone else noticed the increasing regularity with which pedestrian balistrades, keep left signs and traffic lights are being run over or smashed into lately. Seems the incidence of idiot driving is on the increase.

Will his buddies come online and start telling us all what a top bloke he is and he is the best driver in town and it was the cops fault he crashed?

shanefos said :

Jim Jones said :

shanefos said :

Ah, bogans. Don’t you love it when they come to grief as a result of their own stupidity?

What makes you think it was a bogan?

Anyone who uses the phrases “get orfff you f*n dogs” and/or ‘*ck off you f*n c*nts” fits nine tenths of the bill on being a bogan in my books.

I second Shane on this one. Its either a bogan or a…actually…I’d better not upset the PC folk here.

It wasn’t the DJ…

Gungahlin Al2:54 pm 26 Nov 08

So they are roundabouts, they are drunk driver detention devices.

Jim Jones said :

shanefos said :

Ah, bogans. Don’t you love it when they come to grief as a result of their own stupidity?

What makes you think it was a bogan?

Anyone who uses the phrases “get orfff you f*n dogs” and/or ‘*ck off you f*n c*nts” fits nine tenths of the bill on being a bogan in my books.

dark city is one of the best movies ever. EVER.

shanefos said :

Ah, bogans. Don’t you love it when they come to grief as a result of their own stupidity?

What makes you think it was a bogan?

A DJ after a set in Civic, or someone who crashed while fleeing the scene of a robbery?

Is this a first? a French/Viet reference.

Great post, Rosebud – I almost felt I was there.

Ah, bogans. Don’t you love it when they come to grief as a result of their own stupidity?
I’ve actually been waiting for a similar thing to happen in the carpark across the road from my house – the scene of regular dangerous hoon behaviour. If some boofhead does manage to wipe themselves out I guess I’ll go and offer what assistance I can, but they wouldn’t be receiving any sympathy, that’s for sure.

Too bad he didn’t write himself off. What a piece of sh|t.

woowwww…that is spooky…we are nearby and heard some commotion and stuff happening the other night. couldnt pin where it was coming from – it was the same night half of dickson shops was taped off with many a numbered flag set up (blood spots?! thanks RA!) and heaps of cops. our suburb and surrounds has the best candy! ๐Ÿ™‚

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