Auctioneer Troy Reddick and agent Vince Pinneri achieved a record-breaking price for this property in Page. Photos: Supplied.
Ray White acted quickly once social distancing measures were brought in and moved two auctions forward by a week to put them up for sale on the digital auction platform AuctionNow.
One property on Luehmann Street in Page broke the suburb record, selling for $943,000, well above the suburb’s median price of around $600,000.
Bids were taken by phone and through the AuctionNow platform by auctioneer Troy Reddick. With five registered bidders, the vendors were absolutely over the moon with the winning bid, said Ray White agent Vince Pinneri.

Another record-breaking sale in Holt.
Auctioneer Troy Reddick also auctioned another property on the weekend, this time in Holt, and Troy and Ray White agent Phyllis Tidmarsh achieved another record price – $823,000.
This auction was also conducted by phone and on the AuctionNow platform.
“I think we’ve pivoted really well,” said Ray White Belconnen CEO Ben Faulks. “We’ve offered 3D virtual tours on Zango, and where we can arrange private viewings with one person at a time for those wanting to have a good look at the house, we provide strict instructions to sanitise hands before entering the home and not to touch any surfaces.”
Ben thinks the industry as a whole is well-positioned to weather the COVID-19 storm and has the capacity to use technology to ensure the real estate industry continues to thrive throughout the lockdown period, despite the lack of open houses and in-person auctions.

Ray White Belconnen CEO Ben Faulks thinks the industry as a whole is well-positioned to weather the COVID-19 storm.
“The technology is definitely there,” he said. “We’re well-positioned to use that technology to our buyers’ and sellers’ advantage, and to continue to trade,” he said.
“Both sets of buyers were over the moon that we broke the suburb records for each of them,” said Ben.
Both these record-breaking properties were listed on Zango. To view the latest hot listings, visit Zango.