Yesterday’s Canberra Times had an odd piece with Simon Corbell promising to do, er, well, something.
Something about drunks in Civic.
Simon admits in the article that he doesn’t know if things are getting better or worse and still has no idea what he’ll do.
ACT Policing’s Michael Chew knows what he’d like:
- Superintendent Michael Chew said introducing lockouts could reduce violence around nightspots. While results from lockouts in other states were mixed, there was merit in the idea.
”Of course, if you haven’t got the people travelling between licensed establishments, then the potential for them to interact with other people in a condition that they may not be thinking reasonably is reduced,” Superintendent Chew said.
Interacting with people is unfortunately the number one reason for heading out to an entertainment precinct no?
I’d also suggest that one of the things keeping people safe is having lots of other people around.
Anyone for year round night buses letting people get home instead of stuck in Civic tired and emotional?