Which is taller: Jackson Pollock or his famous artwork Blue Poles? Photo: File.
What does love, Blue Poles, and Braidwood have in common? They all feature in this week’s Ken Behrens Quiz. Show off your current affairs and Canberra knowledge and give the quiz a crack!
Make it a household challenge, or take it on as a team. Warning, this quiz has now been updated with the answers at the bottom – don’t peek!
- Datuk Fang Shilon, a celebrity who lived in Canberra in 1976, is known professionally by what name?
- Which famous Australian lived in Waratah National Park?
- In which Canberra suburb would you find Happy Hub, Duatti, and the Shed Cafe?
This is a scene from which 1987 movie staring Ben Mendelsohn and Leone Carmen? Photo: File.
- Which movie filmed in Braidwood in 1987 stars Ben Mendelsohn, Leone Carmen and Noah Taylor?
- The light on top of which Australian landmark is named “Blinky Bill”?
- Alcatraz is an infamous island off which city?
- Which Australian ended our 12-year gold medal drought at the Winter Olympics this week?
- This Monday is Valentine’s Day. What is the term given to babies born to parents who met online rather than face to face?
- The day after Valentine’s Day is World Singles Day. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, what Canberra suburb has the highest percentage of single people?
- Which popular web game was bought by the New York Times last week?
- Which is taller: American expressionist Jackson Pollock or his beloved masterpiece at National Gallery of Australia, Blue Poles?
- Standard, ensign, and pennant are all types of what?
- What is the largest key on a computer keyboard?
- Which two beverages are combined to make a “shandy”?
- In a game of chess, how many pawns does a player get?
- From which language did English adopt the word “ski”?
- Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem was a band on which TV show?
- The US National Weather Service for Miami-South Florida has warned locals and visitors about what animal falling from the sky?
- What event coming up this week traditionally marks the end of Lunar New Year?
- Which building at the Australian National University was once Canberra High School?
- Jackie Chan
- Skippy
- Phillip
- The Year My Voice Broke
- Sydney Harbour Bridge
- San Francisco
- Jakara Anthony
- E-Babies
- Braddon
- Wordle
- Blue Poles
- Flag
- Spacebar
- Beer and Lemonade
- Eight
- Norwegian
- Muppets
- Lizards
- The Lantern Festival
- ANU School of Art