Were you like me over Christmas? Irritated that every shopping centre you visited was stocked with Charities all competing for your donation (Woden was particularly bad) ?
There is such a thing as public privacy but in their well-intentioned zeal, the Charities seem to overlook this. The minute I step out of my home a hundred little paws claw at me for money. I stay in my home and the same paws pound on my door! No escape!
And driving into Batemans Bay, after a long and sticky traffic jam, I was flabbergasted to see a welcoming committee of the rural fires people waving their buckets – as if imposing a toll for visiting the coast! I didn’t cough up on principle (and, yes, of course the rural fires charity is a worthy cause, most causes are!).
A problem with Charities is that they regard their cause as a licence to intrude on our public privacy. I’ve been harassed in cafes as I’ve lifted fork to mouth, so to speak!
I think there’s a more civilised way of soliciting alms. I think the Federal Government should establish a charity managed by a Board comprised of the usual culprits and taxpayers can elect to have a percentage of their income donated to the Charity and in return they get a sticker/badge that tells the charities at large you’ve made your donation and they should pester the Federal Government for a slice of the pie and not, not, not, not, bloody not … me !
[ED – the views of Luca are not necessarily those of RiotACT]