A 21-year-old P-plater who was found afterwards to be over the limit lost control and collided with an electricity network distribution pillar in Harrison on Sunday morning, causing power disruption in the area.
The NSW man will be summonsed to face the ACT Magistrates Court over the incident.
The electricity pillar was in the front garden of a house in De Bortoli St, Harrison.
Police cordoned off the area after receiving a call about the incident at 9.40am, and ActewAGL attended to repair the damage.
Police identified that the man held a provisional driver licence.
The driver underwent a roadside screening for alcohol, returning a result exceeding the blood alcohol limit of 0.00 required for provisional drivers.
The man was taken into custody and transported to Gungahlin Police Station, where he underwent breath analysis, returning a result of 0.113. The blood alcohol limit for P-platers is 0.00.
The man was issued with an Immediate Suspension Notice for his driver licence and will be summonsed to appear before the ACT Magistrates Court at a later date for exceeding the prescribed concentration of alcohol and traffic offences.