Simon Corbell has announced the signing of the latest policing agreement with the AFP, which he says include raised performance targets:
Mr Corbell, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner, Tony Negus, and the Acting Chief Police Officer for the ACT, David Pryce, signed the 2013-14 Purchase Agreement today.
“The Purchase Agreement includes key performance indicators focused on levels of crime, police responsiveness, crime prevention and road safety,” said Mr Corbell.
“The Agreement also sets out the government’s expectations of delivering a professional, accountable and transparent policing service to the ACT community.
“This will ensure the continued delivery of high standard policing services in the ACT,” he said.
The 2013-14 Purchase Agreement has introduced further ‘stretch’ targets in the areas of levels of crime, police responsiveness, supporting the judicial process and crime prevention.
It also includes an additional three new key performance indicators. They deal with the referral of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to restorative justice, quarterly reporting of complaints against police, and an amendment of a perceptions of crime measure, which focuses on the percentage of people who feel safe by themselves in their neighbourhood at night.