Now, I just know someone will post something inane about a doughnut van crashing, but does anyone know what was going on in Civic Bus Interchange yesterday afternoon?
At about 4:30pm there were six or seven police vehicles parked around the intersection of Mort St and Alinga St and various groups of officers standing around, some of them talking to a couple of dubious looking characters in particular.
Whatever it was appeared to be well and truly over.
Just wondering if it was anything news-worthy or just your standard Thursday afternoon in Civic…
Light rail is here to stay, so get on board and make it work
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David Jenkins I think it's pretty clear that the rusted on, self proclamed "progressive" ACT… View
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Rooftop solar and batteries to slash power bills for social housing tenants
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Tramcar Trev no one. China..ha ha View
Timothee Chalamet is no longer A Complete Unknown after defining turn as Bob Dylan
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No quarrel from me, wonderful stuff from the director and cast, been recommending it to everyone. View
Young blood gives Raiders fans something to look forward to in 2025
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As I mentioned the other day, the Raiders are a better team than many in the media have given them… View