For any budding pollies this upcoming seminar may be of interest, after all if our current, deputy and opposition PM’s went it must be good stuff 😉
Political Training Seminar
This year AUJS will host our 10th annual Political Training Seminar. Always a highlight of the calendar, this year will prove to be a bumper year.
Past PTS’s have attracted notable politicians including Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Michael Danby and Brendan Nelson. This year we hope to present a relevant and engaging seminar to cater to those members whose interests lie in politics and advocacy.
Also planned are trips to the Australian War Memorial and the Israeli Embassy.
Where: Parliament House Canberra (ACT)
Starts: Sunday, 31st August 2008
Finishes: Tuesday, 2nd September 2008
RSVP/contact: Jack Pinczewski at