I was lucky enough to attend The Australia Institute ‘Politics in the Pub’ last night at Uni Pub where Lyn White, from the organisation Animals Australia, was the guest speaker. Lyn is an animal advocate, and has received a number of media awards in the last couple of years for her work in exposing animal cruelty and neglect.
Last night Lyn spoke candidly about her interactions with Australia Government members and members of the Meat Industry. Her insight into the meat industry in Australia and overseas is eyeopening, but also realistic and a view I share. The session video will also be uploaded to the Australia Instutite’s webpage in the coming days www.tai.org.au
People are always going to eat meat. Supporting the ban of live export and the inhumane treatment of animals set for slaughter is not about being a ‘hippy’ or becoming a vegetarian – it is about ending the needless suffering animals face at our hands. It is about having the conscience and ethical values to ensure we treat defenceless animals with some dignity. It is unethical and morally reprehensible to abuse animals. To repeat Lyn’s quote by Gandhi “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.
Lyn was instrumental in exposing the live export trade and the atrocities Australian animals face in slaughterhouses overseas. From the investigations, new legislation is in place that have forced the live export industry to transform itself — adhering to new rules that will make exporting live animals more expensive, more difficult and importantly, more heavily scrutinised.
However, these legislations are not good enough and are being ignored as evidenced by another investigation into an Indonesian slaughterhouse in which Australian Animals were exported and abused. It is impossible for Australia Regulations to protect our animals from abuse on foreign shores. The only way to stop the horrible abuse and suffering is to ban live export. And the only way to ban live export is to continue to keep this issue on the Government Agenda. Australians must ensure the Australian Government understand that we as a nation do not support the needless suffering of animals. We do not support outdated ways of exporting meat to other countries. We do not support inhumane treatment and cruelty towards ANY animal.
I am writing this post to encourage you to be aware of this issue and to ensure politicians in this nation know it will not go away. Animals Australia have made it very easy for us to write to MPs showing support to ban live export and other animal cruelty issues. If you go to the webpage www.animalsaustralia.org and click on the ‘Take Action’ tab, a number of simple ways to support campaigns and send petitions/emails are available.
Please help end the inhumane treatment of all animals in Australia. Please help end the largest live export trade in the world by petitioning to stop live export of Australian Animals. This will start a movement throughout the world. People no longer support and condone the abuse of animals. Take action!
Thank you