One question, what is with the appalling driving standards of ACTION drivers these days?
Last night travelling home from work is came across a roundabout on Athlon Drive. I was turning right, and so indicated nice and early and proceeded into the roundabout. As I was coming around to the traffic facing directly opposite me, an ACTION bus that was waiting decided to try and get out in front of me. The car next to him knew the gap was too small and waited but the bus went anyway. I had to come to a complete stop in the middle of the roundabout because the driver was too impatient to wait his turn – and because I was stopped the driver behind me nearly ran into the back of me.
I have noticed bus drivers being absolute tools on the roads more and more these days – from basic things like not being able to stay inside their own lanes on a arrow straight road, to speeding (and driving well below speed limits), and behaving in a fashion like they were in charge of an ordinary car – not a lump of metal that is 3-4 times the size.
Do they need to have their skills tested on an annual basis to confirm that they can master the basic road tactics of driving a bus? Frankly it’s becoming down-right dangerous.