The Canberra Raiders are letting it be known they’ve got 8,000 lime green fans willing to pay for a season membership with the first home game coming up.
The Canberra Raiders have received a timely boost ahead of their first home game of the season, crashing through the 8000 member mark for 2013.
The Raiders membership total sits at 8221, with more members signing or re-signing this week as the team this prepares for their first trip to Canberra Stadium for 2013 to face the Dragons on Sunday night at 6.30pm.
The Raiders will be holding their members only day tomorrow at the Stadium from 10.00am-12.00pm, with members having the chance to meet the NRL squad ahead of the game and to get autographs and photos with their favourite players.
There will be tours of the change room available, while members will all get the chance to sample the new and improved Raiders Lime, thanks to match day sponsor Canberra Milk.
Members are reminded to bring their 2013 membership cards along to gain entry to the event (Western Entry to Canberra Stadium), or if they have not yet received them their membership details.
[Photo via Canberra Raiders]