ACT Libraries have found a reason to darken their doors.
They have heating!
“Libraries are a great place to keep warm in winter. During winter last year, over 20,000 people attended programs, events, workshops and training programs at our libraries,” Director of Libraries ACT Vanessa Little said.
“Our activities cater for a variety of people in the Canberra community. Every Saturday at 3 pm, Dickson Library hosts a fun half hour of stories where one of our wonderful volunteers reads three children’s books. The story time is perfect for children aged between five and eight years old and their parents.
”We hold regular story time sessions for three to five year olds where our librarians tell stories with props, activities and crafts. We also hold Giggle & Wiggle sessions for babies and toddlers aged up to two years. Giggle & Wiggle is an early literacy program, with half hour sessions of fun rhymes, songs and stories.
“The ACT Digital Hub at Gungahlin Library is set up permanently to provide free, easy courses to all members of the community, and showcases the National Broadband Network.
“Our libraries are great places to get together with friends, with many mothers groups, book groups and other interest groups using the library as a regular place to meet. We also have 14 meetings rooms across our 9 branches, which many government and community organisations utilise for workshops, meetings, information sessions, training and more.