Housing and Community Services are calling for people to attend a presentation on plans to redevelop the apartments which have dominated the landscape of Civic for generations.
The Community Services Directorate (CSD) would like to invite interested members of the community to a presentation on the possible redevelopment of land in Braddon and Reid.
The land in Braddon is currently occupied by Currong Apartments, Allawah Court and buildings owned by the Catholic Church. The land in Reid is currently occupied by Bega Court.
The Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate (ESDD) has issued a draft Territory Plan Variation which allows for the redevelopment of the land in Braddon and Reid for housing and commercial uses. A more dense form of development is proposed for the site.
The draft variation is based on a planning study that was prepared by Housing and Community Services and submitted to ESDD.
This consultation is independent to that which is being conducted on the ACT Planning and Land Authority. The period for comment on the Territory Plan variation closes on 20 February 2012.
Representatives of CSD and the consultants will make a presentation at:
Venue: Griffin Centre, Genge Street, Braddon
Dates: Friday 16 December 2011
Commencing: 6:00pm
We’ve seen a brief summary of plans, and posted them for your edification.