Good news everyone! A project to introduce the eastern bettong onto the mainland is going well, and soon we will hopefully be overrun by these adorable marsupials.
“From an original population of 32 bettongs translocated from Tasmania and introduced into the protected environs of the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, there are now over 50 adult bettongs,” said Daniel Iglesias, Director, Parks and Conservation.
“A second population at Tidbinbilla has grown to 53 adults and a further 19 pouch young, from the original group of 30 adults translocated there in 2011 and 2012. Vet checks this week showed that all animals are in good health.
“Reintroduction projects are notoriously difficult to establish so we are very excited that both populations are doing so well. This is truly a testament to the hard work of all the partners.