There’s been plenty of previous discussion on RA around issues for renters in Canberra. There are plenty of stories of tenants who are kept in the dark about their rights, or treated by their landlords or property managers as second class citizens.
On the other side there’s plenty of times when a landlord either has issues with their tenant, chosen agent, or when self managing they have no one to turn to for advice – sometimes leading to poor decisions which can create unwanted conflict with the tenants. No one is perfect, and it’s always tough to manage conflicting priorities that involve someone’s home.
Who’s offering to help? Tenant’s Advice Service can be useful if you can catch them during their limited availbility (and only if you’re a tenant!), the tribunal will give you a definite answer after taking your time, money and giving you a headful of frustration. Why are there no other places for people to turn when they are dealing with these issues?
I’ve been in property management for a while now and I wouldn’t dream of saying that I know it all or that I’ve seen it all… but I want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. What issues are you facing with your Canberra rental property?