A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (the living room of JB’s parents house about 5 years ago) a bunch of guys with not much else to do and a passing interest in IT dreamed up a website where we could grandstand to our hearts content about issues affecting us as Canberrans.
Several of those intrepid souls have fallen by the wayside and those stalwart few who remain have matured in to sometimes upstanding members of the Canberra community with valued opinions, and at other times drunkards riding bikes around North Canberra pubs. Suffice to say we’ve had a great time doing it, and really appreciate those of you who have tuned in to read about it and share your own pearls of wisdom.
In recognition of 5 years or RiotACT’s existance we’re holding a birthday bash this coming saturday at one of those very same North Canberra Pubs that we love. Those of you who feel well enough to join us for a drink are all more that welcome to do so and will catch us at :
All Bar Nun from 5pm onwards, Saturday 26 November.
Presents are optional.